Controversially, we are all aware of either Physical or Chemical Decompositions in everyday life such as rusting iron, burning wood, metabolism of food in our body, evaporation of water and so on. However few numbers of people are believing that the same process in a deep way happens to an immigrant as well. Immigrant literally means a person who has come to a different country in order to live there permanently.
An immigrant faces too many challenges that each of them completely ruins and reconstruct all the characteristics, sense of being alive and etc. As an illustration, the biggest challenges facing immigrants are Difficulty speaking and learning the local language, Securing work, Securing housing, Accessing services, Transportation and, cultural barriers.
In my case as an Iranian who did the immigration 4 years ago, I felt these changes crystal clear. In this case, I want to bold the language and writing barriers. The Old Persian language is written in Persian cuneiform, which was developed in the Persian Achaemenes Empire under Darius I. Persian cuneiform is a mixture of syllabic, alphabetic, and logogram symbols, giving it a unique place in the history of the development of a true alphabet. Particularly, Kufic is the oldest calligraphic form of the various Arabic scripts and consists of a modified form of the old Nabataean script. I tried to make use of that script in my design as a pattern.
As a consequence of trying to use the Kufic calligraphy in my design, I chose the word “Iran” in that style and make my patterns as a result of its repetition in horizontal and vertical coordinates.
Apart from those above-mentioned challenges, visually I also faced many challenges. What I mean by visual challenges, I want to refer to the changes in climate that I faced; Iran contains two salt deserts which comprise 25 percent of Iran's land area. From that climate I came into Istanbul that has a climate combining those of the Mediterranean and Black Sea climate types, with a hot dry summer and pleasantly warm spring and autumn, basically mild and humid. That is the point which I got my color pallet from A variation from the warm colors (desert-based color) to the cold colors (rainy climate-based colors).